Rights on Shipping

Floating boats of any category, wholly or partially submerged, and remaining as shipwrecks at the seabed of the Marine Law Area. SA, are charged with allowances calculated in Euro per GT and day as follows:

1 - 90 days
91 - 180 days
181 days and more
  • until they are lifted
1 - 90 days
91 - 180 days
181 days and more
  • until they are lifted

The photocopies of the above shipwrecks are handled by the competent Service of the Hellenic Olympic Committee. SA through the Lighthouse Service, imputing the expense to the debtors.

If an application is made for the lifting / dismantling of the shipwreck, of the OLU SA by decision determines the conditions for the execution of the project, identifying at the same time a reasonable period of time for the completion of the project. During this time period, a 50% discount is granted on the corresponding rights in paragraph 9.1., Which are incurred by the shipwreck.

Harmful-dangerous ships

Indicative table with the dangerous-harmful ships in the sea area of Elefsis, under the responsibility of the Elefsis Port Authority S.A..